Welcome to ExCAL
ExCAL is an Environmental and Engineering Consultancy, which has been operating out of Ammanford for over 25 years.
We’re a team of professional engineers and scientists, working hard to improve the way our communities run.
At ExCAL, we understand that the decisions we take today have a huge impact on the global environment. This is why we strive to make sure our work reflects such high standards.
What we do
ExCAL Limited has been providing environmental consultancy expertise for over 25 years. Based on our environmental and civil engineering knowledge applied to the construction and waste sectors, the Company has organically evolved into the wide-reaching multi-sector environmental consultancy we are today.
We aim to work as an extension of your team, providing friendly, proactive and practical multidisciplinary expertise to help you reach your development and operational goals, using audited safe working methods.
Sustainable Drainage Solutions
Sustainable drainage is moving away from the traditional thinking of designing only to manage flood risk, where run-off is regarded as a waste product. We work to a philosophy where surface water is a valuable resource and should be managed for maximum benefit.
We design cost-effective engineering solutions with low environmental impact to drain away surface water run-off through collection, storage, and cleaning before allowing it to be released slowly back into the environment.
Our drainage designs are bespoke and SAB compliant.
Ecology Services
As environmental consultants, we conduct all types of ecology surveys and assessments to support client planning applications.
Our ecologists have a wealth of experience when it comes to advising on and conducting ecological surveys. With over 10 years’ experience delivering advice you can trust, you can rely on us to ensure your project is not only environmentally compliant but providing biodiversity benefit wherever possible.
Our ecologists are all qualified and licenced to undertake protected species surveys. All sites earmarked for development will require some level of ecological assessment; ExCAL can undertake the full range of surveys, from a desktop Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) to a full Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).
We can design, install and manage bespoke biodiversity enhancement schemes; from putting up bat boxes to site-wide reptile and amphibian translocation programmes and Ecological Clerk of Works (ECoW) services.